What is this archetype of fear that plagues
not only people who have gone through spiritually transformative experiences, but a society
who denies and even condemns those who have gone through them?
I see it
as a deeply subconscious epidemic of the collective consciousness. A fear of Spirit and Oneness. It is so deep that most people in this society don't even see it.
Oneness connects to the heart. The heart connects us all. Without connection there is no harmony.
To see that there actually is another realm makes Oneness real. It makes our material human lives less significant. It challenges everything about our belief systems. This is terrifying to the human mind.
But if people only realized how beautiful the spirit realm is. It is magnificent beyond what we can imagine here on earth. We only know what we have here, and are therefore attached to it. But imagine a state of love and warmth the overshadows what anything else on this earth can provide.
Our fear of Oneness somehow ties in with the deterioration of this world. We are not in harmony because fear has taken priority over Oneness and Harmony. I believe this fear is something that needs to be healed if we are to survive as a species.
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