Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Shamanic Healing Experience

I definitely feel a huge difference after the shamanic healing ceremony. I feel much more peaceful. The heartache that made up the crux of my depression is gone, as are the negative thoughts and feelings.

We started with a divination, where the healer gets in touch with his and my guides in order to receive any messages they might have and to answer any questions. One message that stuck out at me is that my life didn't go as it was originally planned. However, it was not too late to get back on track with the purpose I was meant to fulfill. (Or something like that...I could be remembering this a little differently.) The healer also said that I had intuitive gifts but that my third eye was stuck, preventing me from reaching my full spiritual potential. As for spiritual growth, I am very high up my "spiritual mountain." Funny that he mentioned the word mountain, because it reminds me of this art piece of a spiritual landscape that I created about a year ago:

See the mountains with the trails leading up? I think the one on the right represents spiritual potential and the one on the left represents that actual journey.

I didn't really have any questions. I mainly just wanted to get right down to business with healing this chronic heartache.

The healer put a blanket on the floor and I laid on top of it. He cleared my chakras by working with my luminous body. I can't say that it felt like anything special. However, at one point while I was on the floor I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. I didn't feel particularly nervous, but maybe a part of me felt weird about this whole thing. Or maybe it was something else.

The healer got out a big drum and told me to state an intention in my mind to let go of the heavy feelings of worthlessness I'd been having. I nodded my head when I was ready and then he beat the drum all over the top of my body. Its deep vibration resonated through my body at times. I could feel myself immersing with the sound of the drum as I imagined my heartache and heaviness lifting up into it.

The healer then did three extractions from my body by clicking meteorite rocks near the affected areas. He didn't explain what these intrusions were from or who they were related to. I also didn't feel anything significant during the process. I'm not sayint that the process itself wasn't significant! Just that it didn't feel much like anything. I'm sure it contributed to the peace I felt afterwards.

Lastly, the healer said prayer while putting his hand on my heart. This, I did feel. It felt like love pouring into me.

After the ceremony I felt very peaceful. As I said, the depression was completely gone and I felt love throughout my body and in my thoughts and emotions.

Keep in mind that we had not even done the soul retrieval yet! This was just in preparation for the soul retrieval, which is scheduled for next Wednesday. I will keep you posted. :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Seven Weeks of Oriental Medicine

This is a picture of my right elbow, which, interestingly, has been more clear than usual but still "taut" and dry feeling. What makes this unusual is that this elbow seems to be doing a little better than the left elbow, and ever since I've has psoriasis it was always the left elbow that was clearer.

Here is my left elbow:


Hmm. Maybe they look about the same...

I experimented with taking eggs out of my diet about a week ago, so I don't know if that is the cause for the change. My scalp started to become more itchy, and was really intense a few days ago. Things were definitely more flaky too. Then the itchiness calmed down.

I should also mention that I'd been REALLY depressed the past month or so.  There are so many factors that could go into any slight change with my psoriasis that it is impossible to tell what is causing what!

During my acupuncture session  today the doctor asked me how the ringing in my ears and psoriais was, if it was better. Well, yes, things DID get better once I started taking the herbal medicine. However, things also got just a bit slightly worse...just a little, but then leveled off, and now cycles through getting slightly worse and slightly better. My answer to him was that it's complicated. I'm not even sure the acupuncture is doing anything, but I will continue a little while more.

Shamanic Healing

On another note, I'm going to see a shamanic healer today. As I've mentioned before, I believe in the mind-body connection when it comes to physical health.

I initially made the appointment thinking it would be "good for me." Then I fell into the most horrendous depression which was triggered by multiple events: writing my graduate capstone paper on Shadow Work; issues with my mother; anger and resentment at my family for not understanding the abuse I went through; sorrow, heartache, and grief from losing loved ones because of the baggage I carried from the abuse. It was real deep! And very unexpected. I feel there is a higher purpose for the timing of this all, as if to say, "Okay, you want to start healing stuff? Well let me show you what needs to be healed!" BAM!

There are emotions and memories coming up that I haven't felt in years. All of my life I've had a lingering sense of heartache that never seems to leave no matter what I do. Even though I've gotten myself to a place of feeling happy, that lingering heartache and doubt is still there.

I thought I made a huge leap in my own healing a few months ago when I decided to deliberately let go of any thoughts related to rejection or people judging me (issues I've had all my life). I also felt that these feelings were related to my mother somehow, who was abusive to me as a child and has been a huge emotional burden all my life. I stopped talking to her and let go of these negative thoughts and felt like I was really WITH myself for the very first time. I'd come face-to-face with who I really am as a whole and complete person! It felt like a soul retrieval in itself! However, then I became stressed out with my capstone assignment. Then I started to feel judged about my spiritual beliefs, which is a raw spot for me because it is those very beliefs that helped me to survive the depression I've experienced my entire life. Then my mom started calling me every single day! It was just too much and I crumbled back down to a broken heap.

I've been building myself back up again with the help of mindfulness techniques and with the incredible support of my husband. I have hope for the shamanic healing. I will do pretty much anything at this point to become whole and healed again! I will keep you updated.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Five Weeks of Oriental Medicine

This is my right elbow after five weeks of doing Oriental Medicine (acupuncture, herbal medicine, and tui na massage).

About a week ago I realized that I need to cut oranges (and all fruit, really) completely out of my diet. I believe the sugar in the fruit was increasing the toxicity in my system (probably feeding candida albicans).

I've made an appointment with a shamanic healer, which will be next week. It takes at least two appointments for a soul retrieval and this will be my first appointment. Good timing too, because I've got a lot of emotional stuff coming up lately: depression, anger, resentment--lots of toxic emotions from my childhood that need to be dealt with.