Sunday, December 16, 2018

Make spirituality normal

Take the specialness out of spiritual phenomena.

 Make that which you want to experience and achieve normal.

It is a natural part of growth that you deserve, because at your core you are already a spiritual being.

The balance to healing

There are two sides to healing.

One side is healing the issues that are stuck in our psyches, including stuck trauma, past life issues, ancestral issues and anything spiritual, mental or emotional that is creating blockages and keeping us stuck. By "keeping us stuck" I mean the issue creates a chronic persistant feeling or condition that doesn't improve.

The other side to healing has to do with consciousness. This includes identifying with our True Present Self, that part of us that is peaceful and silent and connected with God. This means recognizing that our thoughts and emotions are not our True Self, that our real self can only be found in silence. This can feel scary to many people because it threatens the ego, which feeds off our emotions, thoughts and attachments. But letting go of our attachments, while painful, can be very freeing.

Healing the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical issues can take many forms. One very effective way to heal many issues is through spiritual shamanic healing, as I have personally found.

Healing the consciousness can be done through spiritual shamanic healing as well, but it does not substitute being mindful and present. Being present to our own thoughts and emotions helps to clear those blockages in our psyches and consciousness. The more we are healed, the more we are able to identify with our True Nature as Pure Consciousness. And the more we do this, the more we become pure in Heart and Spirit in Human form.

This is how we heal. This is how we best serve ourselves and humanity.


Sunday, December 9, 2018

Selling the sacred

Those in full integrity of doing sacred healing work would never present it in a way to market themselves or at the expense of others.

I came across people who did this during my healing crisis years ago. They were mostly people who created glossy or expertise personas of themselves online. While I was too disempowered to see the red flags at the time, I can look back now and easily see how these people put their ego ahead of the sacredness of doing healing work.

An example of this is blog articles with the intent of SEO marketing. Another example is coming across people who are defensive, easily offended and put other people down in books and blog articles. Sometimes these negative behaviors are very subtle, but they are there if you look closely.

A person who is truly in touch with God, with the divine grace and sacredness of doing God's healing work, would never abuse this gift. Indeed, it is impossible for the tender energy of God's Divine Love and Light to exist in those places where ego plants itself.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Don't Take Your Suffering Personally

 Some of us deal with a heavy pain body through out our lives.

Awakening means more release of heavy energies as we transform to light.

Some people have heavier pain bodies than others. Some people in the awakening process seem to swim through life while others struggle more.

There is nothing wrong with you. There is a reason behind everything you are feeling, you just don't realize the reason for it. It can be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. It can be from childhood trauma or from past lives. It can be heaviness carried from past generations. It can be from diet or physical imbalance in the body. If you are especially sensitive then you could be picking up heavier energies and not realizing it. There are a whole host of reasons. These are all the reasons for the pain bodies and it has nothing to do with who you are.

Pain bodies can cause depression, anxiety, fear, tiredness, lack of motivation, confusion.

Some things to help the pain body include spiritual healing, self inquiry practices (such as Eckhart Tolle), energy practices such as tao or pranic healing or qigong.  

Please, stay empowered. Do what you need to feel better and move through the pain.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Dealing with Intense thoughts and emotions to stay aware in the now

The goal is to stay aware in the now without the mind being consumed by emotional issues and meandering thoughts. Then we can be aware, in the present and conscious of our mind. This makes it easier to for us to step out of suffering.

To take things a step further, we can have an attitude of sincerity and personal Truth. In other words, we can become sincere in who we truly are. Sincerity makes it easier to manifest what is truly in our best interest in this world. It is makes life more fulfilling even if we aren't trying to manifest anything.

First of all, we must have self awareness. Are you aware of when you are caught up in emotional thoughts and feelings? Are you aware enough to catch when you are suffering?

Secondly, we must be in touch with how we feel in the body. Whenever we are suffering or emotional, there is a place in the body that feels it most. 

When you catch yourself suffering, feel where the suffering is felt in the body. Is it in the heart? The solar plexus? Somewhere else?

You can also have an attitude of curiosity toward the emotion, as opposed to feeling bad about it. Do not take it personally! There is a reason the emotion is there and it is not because there is anything wrong with you or because you did anything wrong.

Next separate the feeling from your thoughts. Focus on the body and take long, deep, slow breaths in a way that feels comfortable to you. Focus on how the breath makes your body feel. Breath down into the stomach so that it expands with each inhale. Feel how each breath helps to make the place in your body that is suffering feel more relaxed. The goal of this exercise is to calm the body enough that the mind becomes free from it.

It is okay if there is still suffering in the body. The goal was just to help ease the suffering in cases of intense and overwhelming feelings. 

Next, you can do the Inner Smile meditation as taught by Mantak Chia. This helps the body to become happy and lighter. It is very useful and can be found on YouTube.

To bring in even more light, get into a state of prayer and have gratitude for God (or whatever you choose to call the Divine.) Say, "I love you God, thank you God." And think of unconditional Love and Light.

Bring in self love. Give yourself a big hug or look into your eyes in the mirror and say, "I love myself. I forgive myself."

Have gratitude for the things in your life.

Put your consciousness in the present moment.

This is a practice that I try to implement to keep myself centered and to have better wellbeing. I hope it helps for you.