Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Serious Spiritual Reason Not to Commit Suicide

There is a reason we are all here on this earth. Some of us may suffer more than others, sometimes in unimaginable ways that most people would not understand.

I understand this, because I suffered a lot in my life. I was often suicidal. In fact, I tried to commit suicide when I was sixteen years old. I thank God that I survived. I still suffered from depression for many years afterward, well into adulthood. But I have an understanding and appreciation for what I went through because it helped me to grow as a person.

There were times that I felt nothing in this world could ever justify the suffering I went through.

However, in time everything finally made sense. I would like to share some of what I've learned.

Every single person in this world is here for spiritual reasons. We are all here to learn, grow and become closer to God, which is our true Home of Love and Light. We are all consciousness, which lives on after our physical bodies die. We still keep our same personalities, we just don't have bodies anymore.

We don't instantly become "enlightened" after crossing over into the spiritual realm after death. Our consciousness stays at the same level as when we were last alive. This means that if there were any dark areas in your personality, it stays with you in your consciousness even after death. We might experience heaven or God or other spiritual realms of the cosmos, but this will only be temporary if our consciousness still needs healing and growth.

What happens after our temporary experience in the spiritual realm is that we reincarnate and are given another life. This is another chance to work out our problems and grow in God's consciousness.

Life as a human being on earth is the most powerful way to learn, grow and heal on a spiritual level. Trying to do this while in heaven would be like learning out to swim in the ocean while sitting on a yacht. You just can't learn while you're blissed out with God. You need to be thrown in the water so to speak.

A special note: For some people, the pain of life is too tremendous to comprehend how their horrible experiences can be justified. It might feel insulting to hear that their suffering is a "learning experience." Please know that I understand. There are few words I can offer except to say healing is here for you and to please do not give up hope.

The trials and tribulations we face force us to grow. Through our struggles, we have the opportunity to mature, to learn how to love and forgive ourselves and others, to let go of worldly attachments that don't serve us spiritually, and so on.

In addition to this, we are here to help the people we meet during our lives. It might not seem like it while in the midst of suffering, but we have valuable duties to fulfill. We teach the people in our lives in very subtle yet important ways. Just by being ourselves, our very presence influences others to learn, to be better people, to learn from their interactions with people.

You don't need to be a celebrity or superhero to have a special role in life. Your particular role already is special just by your very presence.

When someone commits suicide, they have negated a very important spiritual contract.

Please do not misunderstand. I do not judge those who have passed by their own doing. I understand how much suffering it takes to want to leave this world. I have the utmost compassion for anyone who has experience this kind of pain.

But I would like people to understand that when someone dies before they were meant to, there is no more chance to learn, grow and help others. That person has lost their chance to grow in consciousness and to help any people they were meant to assist during that life.

It is not as easy as just reincarnating into another life. The spiritual world is not magic like that. It could take hundreds of years to reincarnate. And in the mean time a very serious ripple effect will have occurred on earth.

You never know where your life is going to take you in the future. You never know where it will lead, how things might turn a corner.

I had no idea when I was sixteen, or during any part of my life, that I would have a spiritual awakening in my 40s that would lead to becoming a spiritual healer.

I had no idea that if I were to perish at sixteen, that certain people in my life would have missed opportunities to heal and grow in consciousness. Not by my Will, but by God's Will through me. People have learned from me and I from them through the course of my life. Not just as a healer, but as a friend, relative, coworker, or even stranger on the street.

What we do matters! Everything we do has consequences-good or bad-that we will eventually have to face!

I have grown in ways that would not have happened if I had committed suicide. It would have been a tragic spiritual loss. And all the people in my life would have experienced a tremendous loss in their growth as well.

And the same goes for you. You are important in this world beyond what you realize. You have a lot of opportunities in your life to grow, change and be better. Please do not waste it!  This life that you have right now is your chance.

The goal in life is to become better in the best way that you know how. Just do your best. And try to grow spiritually the best you can. Pray to God in your own way. There are many different spiritual practices and beliefs. But having a personal relationship with God, in our own way, is the most important thing we can do.

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