Thursday, September 13, 2018

Healers and Spirit Guides

About four years ago a spiritual worker caused me a tremendous amount of emotional pain. I was going through a spiritual emergency at the time. One of the services she provided was shamanic healing, using spirit guides as part of her work.

Now that I look back, I see the red flags. This person had written books, taught classes, had been interviewed on several podcasts and had a pretty good following online. Yet there was something intimidating about her that I couldn't put my finger on. This person talked a lot about being compassionate, but realistically she wasn't fully in her heart. I should have listened to my gut instinct. But she seemed so successful and full of wisdom that I assumed my feelings were wrong. Disempowered by the turmoil in my life and my own self doubt, I was blind to my intuition.

I believe this person felt they were doing their best at the time. But there was a lack of mindful, compassionate expression on her part. I was already emotionally distraught when I contacted her, and her reaction left me stunned and bewildered. This person misunderstood what I had said, and thinking that I was having an attitude, she lashed out at me.

I have no ill-will against this person. I've long forgiven her. But I wonder about the level of healing she is actually able to provide, knowing that she is probably still doing this for people.

I believe any healing is better than no healing when someone is truly suffering, but I question the integrity of her guides.

If a person says they work with spirit guides, I personally would look very closely at the integrity of that person. Like attracts like. It makes sense that spirit guides will be a vibrational match to the people who work with them.

How does that person behave when nobody is watching, let alone when with people they are trying to help? Because it doesn't seem that spirit guides of the highest level would be able to work with someone who has a lot of ego, lacks compassion or hasn't healed those dark areas still hidden within their psyches.

Nobody is perfect, of course. Some people are born with a lot of spiritual power and have lived a life of humility and integrity. But for those who haven't, it can takes years of healing and intense personal work to achieve a level integrity, faith, humility and spiritual power that the highest level spirit guides can work with.

As my teacher says, "Are you teachable?" I've learned that this is what spirit guides of the highest level are looking for. If there is a lot of ego in the way, then a person will not be teachable. And if someone is not teachable, the healing work will be compromised.

I realize saying that spirit guides should be of the "highest level" may sound spiritually snobbish to some people.  I don't claim to know the best or to be the best when it comes to spiritual healing. However, spiritual beings come in a variety of flavors and spiritual strength just like people do. The spiritual world is not just all love and light where any spirit can make anything instantly happen. There are degrees of lightness and darkness with shades of grey in between.

A spiritual entity may have good intentions to be of service and offer to be a guide. But it might not be at a high enough frequency to do heavy spiritual work. This is akin to someone who dreams of competing in the Olympics when they have only been training at the gym for a few weeks.

I have direct experience of going to several different types of healers during a spiritual emergency. This was a serious situation that was destroying my life. These healers and modalities may have helped people going through less severe situations, but they were unfortunately were not enough to help me. So, I'm not saying that other healers are bad or completely ineffective. But there are definitely different degrees of spiritual strength, faith and effectiveness.

So here are just some things to think about. What traits do spirit guides of the highest level look for in healers? What does it mean for a person to be humble and to have integrity? How would a person like this behave?

This goes for any healing modality and for all healers. We are in a time when many people are being called to be more spiritual and do healing work. However, it is so important that people actually be ready on all levels to do this. It is important that the work they do is in integrity of God's Will.

It's possible for people to achieve this, but it's important to find a really good teacher that is both spiritually powerful and has tremendous faith in God.

I will point out that the same healer that caused me a lot of emotional pain during my spiritual emergency also mocked my teacher and the healers he trained for believing they had a strong connection to God. But in the end, they were the ones who were able to help me.

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