Saturday, January 17, 2015

Palo Santo and Florida Water

This morning I woke up feeling incredible, a stark difference from my mood yesterday. Part of the reason for this is because I am settling in from my healing the other day. But I also  credit this to using Palo Santo and Florida Water.

I have been drawn to Florida Water ever since associating its smell with the healing ceremonies I experienced in the summer of 2014. I got the idea to start using it on myself toward the end of my stay in Peru. One of the shamans used to rub it on his crown chakra and belly before the ayahuasca ceremonies, which gave me the idea to rub the scented concoction on myself before the ceremonies as well. I soon found out that I was sensitive to the stuff.

During my last ceremony, the apprentice blew Florida Water on me which immediately soothed me emotionally and physically. When I got back home I ordered a case of it directly from the manufacturer. I use it regularly in baths and also before bedtime when I need an emotional pick me up.

Another item that has a huge affect on me is Palo Santo. I happened to see it at Whole Foods one day and decided to try it out, not even knowing how it was supposed to be used. I got the idea to smudge myself with it when I was going through some challenging emotions (most likely due to my separation, etc.) I then cleaned my chakras out, just because. I soon started doing this on a regular basis, as needed.

And then I started noticing something.

Every time I used the Palo Santo, I had a nice dream and woke up in a lighter mood! At first I thought it was probably coincidence, but after about a month or so I realized that the Palo Santo was definitely having a hugely positive affect.

I love, love, love Palo Santo. And Florida Water.

My mind has been weirded out by how illogical this all is. I mean, this is super new-agey stuff that I'm talking about here. The kind of thing "normal" people don't believe in, and even scoff at. I brought up this new discovery in my shamanism class and the shaman was all like whatever. What is an amazing discovery to me is nothing new to him at all.

It's normal.

What if everything we have been believing about reality is abnormal, untrue? What if believing in what we've been taught as "magic" is normal every day reality? Our minds are so stubborn, more stubborn than we realize. Sometimes my mind still gets shocked at discovering what is real about the spirit world. But I am forever grateful for being stretched open, for being able to glimpse our true spiritual nature. What a blessing and a gift.

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