Relaxed, peaceful and generally chill (do people still say that word?).
That is how I feel right now. Also somewhat energized. I almost always feel great after a healing ceremony, which was just completed a half hour ago as I write this.
As a result of the healing I feel a crystal clear perceptions and appreciation for the world around me. I suppose this is because I'm more in the now, the present moment.
Today we healed some issues that came up a week or two ago, some recently triggered by work related events. These included: 1) Sadness at feeling I have nothing of value to offer this world. 2) Feeling like I offend people, or that people think I'm an asshole for screwing something up. 3) Fear of going crazy as my mind opens up and attempts to integrate deeper spiritual learning, and the effects of the plant medicines.
Removing imprints goes something like this: I lay on the floor and focus on the negative feeling to be removed, nodding when I've connected to that feeling. He usually uses a pendulum to figure out what chakra the wound is associated with. The shaman gives me a stone to hold in my left hand. He then gets behind me and starts gently rubbing points on either side of my neck. I guess he is connecting to the energy to be healed because there are a few moments of quiet before he eventually tells me to let go of the negative feeling. Then he takes a feather and "cleans" the negative energy off the chakra with a feather. He will often use my trance state as an opportunity to talk with me and create new, more positive and healthier psycho-emotional imprints. After doing all of this he did a technique to help embody me with a renewed sense of confidence. He closed the chakra when we were done.
Sometimes I feel things.
This time I felt a presence at my chakra. It felt like a small ball of energy with a bit of weight to it. I thought the shaman had put a small stone or feather there. I asked the shaman about this. He confirmed that he didn't put anything there at all.
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