No. Being gay is not a sin.
If you are LGBQT and have felt alienated from God due to this erroneous teachings, please know that you did nothing wrong. There is nothing wrong with you. And you definitely don't have to "pray the gay away." I cannot imagine anything more painful than feeling that God would reject you simply for being who you are.
Sexual orientation has nothing to do with sinning.
God is unconditional love. God loves every single person unconditionally and does not "judge" us.
But if we do something to hurt ourselves or others then we may judge ourselves and then feel unworthy of God's love.
To "sin" is simply any action that causes us to be separated from this love.
Being gay is not doing anything to hurt anyone, just like being black, white, Asian or Hispanic is not doing anything to hurt anyone. It is our actions and thoughts that determine how close we are to God. If our actions and thoughts are done with love, then we are being closer to God. This is all that matters.
God wants us to love ourselves unconditionally. This unconditional love for ourselves helps our relationship with God. This is because the more we love ourselves, the more we feel deserving of God's unconditional love. Self love and acceptance brings us closer to God.
If you read the New Testament of the Bible, you will see that divorce is mentioned over and over again as a sin. Yet more than half of all marriages end in divorce today. Jesus Himself said nothing about sexual orientation. In fact he said that the greatest thing we can do is Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' {Luke 10:27}
To love your neighbor as yourself means to accept everyone as your brothers and sisters. Without judgment. No exception. Someone who makes others feel bad because of who they are is not being a loving neighbor.
There are very powerful faith healers who teach that being gay is a sin. However I was shown that, despite how powerful their healings are, these people are confused. They are confused because, when you think about it, it doesn't make sense that an all-loving God would punish people for who they choose to love.
Remember, even healers who seem to be able to do the most miraculous healings don't know all the answers. I've known some pretty remarkable healers who still had issues with ego, and in fact were not even very nice people sometimes. A true healer lifts people up and helps them to feel closer to God. A true healer is in their heart and does not make others feel unworthy.
If anything, those teaching that being gay is a sin will have to pay the karma. Eventually they will have to face all the emotional and spiritual harm they have caused others.
So please do not fall into this false teaching. There is nothing wrong with you. God loves you. And you deserve to be exactly who you are and love whoever you want. Most important, love and accept yourself. It is what God wants. <3
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