Sunday, December 16, 2018

The balance to healing

There are two sides to healing.

One side is healing the issues that are stuck in our psyches, including stuck trauma, past life issues, ancestral issues and anything spiritual, mental or emotional that is creating blockages and keeping us stuck. By "keeping us stuck" I mean the issue creates a chronic persistant feeling or condition that doesn't improve.

The other side to healing has to do with consciousness. This includes identifying with our True Present Self, that part of us that is peaceful and silent and connected with God. This means recognizing that our thoughts and emotions are not our True Self, that our real self can only be found in silence. This can feel scary to many people because it threatens the ego, which feeds off our emotions, thoughts and attachments. But letting go of our attachments, while painful, can be very freeing.

Healing the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical issues can take many forms. One very effective way to heal many issues is through spiritual shamanic healing, as I have personally found.

Healing the consciousness can be done through spiritual shamanic healing as well, but it does not substitute being mindful and present. Being present to our own thoughts and emotions helps to clear those blockages in our psyches and consciousness. The more we are healed, the more we are able to identify with our True Nature as Pure Consciousness. And the more we do this, the more we become pure in Heart and Spirit in Human form.

This is how we heal. This is how we best serve ourselves and humanity.


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