Thursday, March 19, 2015

What does it mean when I don't feel spiritually conected?

A friend recently asked me about going "in and out" of spiritual connection. Those weren't her exact words, but it was something along the lines of, "I don't always feel like I'm connected to this feeling of being spiritual. Sometimes I'm out of that connection."

This is completely normal. Just because you don't feel connected, it doesn't mean that spirit isn't connecting with you, or that you are no longer "being spiritual."

From my experience, when I don't feel connected with spirit it's because something is blocking me. Usually it is because of something that needs to be healed.

Spirit is ALWAYS there with you. Spirit ALWAYS hears your prayers. It is WE who are separated, usually because of deep subconscious blocks. These blocks are embedded deep like an ice berg. Even if we think we can see our blocks, usually there run far deeper than we are able to conceptualize.

Sometimes the spirits will help us out with feeling a better connection by giving us a little boost of inspiration or love. Sometimes we may find this inspiration and love through a book, movie, music, or nature. Or it may be found in something else that "speaks" to us.

Faith plays an important role in connecting to spirit. But I realize that it is sometimes impossible to even have faith. My advice in this case is to not push yourself to believe or feel something you can't.

I went through several periods of my life, suffering deep depression, where I could not feel faith let alone any connection with spirit. During these times of my life I was forced to look within to seek answers. I also believe these dark periods of life are sometimes used for purging. Or maybe even some kind of growth that we are simply unconscious to. During these times, don't be hard on yourself for not feeling connected with spirit, but do something that feels good. Try to follow your heart--this is following our own inner spirit, which is probably even more important that trying to feel an external connection to spirit.

What I told my friend is that I use daily spiritual practice to keep the momentum going. For me, this involves calling out to my spirit guides every day and prayer. I told her that there have been days where it felt like I was just going through the motions, trying to get it over with so I could go on to something else. But there have been other days where I feel very connected while doing the practices.

Now I know that the spirits hear me no matter how I connected I felt during the practice. Yes, it does help when we are feeling loving and connected, but it is okay if we don't feel that way. The spirits appreciate all of our efforts, and know that we are doing the best that we can.


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