I'm at a more level place of acceptance right now. The intense transformations I've been going through are starting to make sense.
I'm realizing more and more, that all that stuff about human consciousness rising and world ascension is true. These ideas resonated with me before, but now I am realizing the absolute truth of it. And what blows me away is that SPIRIT IS ACTUALLY BEHIND ALL OF THIS. There really are forces at work beyond our physical realm helping to create a new world, a new humankind. It is happening to our collective world right now--it HAS been happening for a while.
And now I know that it has been happening to me!
All those messages from teachers such as Eckhart Tolle and from books such as Oneness saying "get ready for a the world to change," blah blah blah. I am reading those teachings again, years later, and they resonate on a much deeper level. Something inside speaks to me and says, "YES, THIS IS IT!"
I realized the other night that Spirit is all I have ever really cared about in life! Spiritual connection has always been my first love. That is why it swept me away from my poor husband. I was seduced by the invisible realm. And now my consciousness has opened to clearer understanding of it all.
I feel so fulfilled in life these days. I spend most of my time alone, yet I never feel lonely. Aside from missing good sex, I don't even want a relationship. My apartment must be filled with compassionate spirits because the energy here always feels so warm and nice. Friends have even commented on this.
I often wonder why I have healed and transformed so quickly in my life compared to other people I know. The only difference I can tell is the lack of spiritual connection. Those who don't heal either do not make the commitment to healing themselves or they don't have a healthy spiritual life. I think these things go hand in hand when it comes to healing and transformation, but I'm not exactly sure. Suffering sucks so much. I know so well what hell suffering can be. I can only pray that those who suffer will find their way toward opening and healing their minds. What else can I do? If I knew how I could help others learn how to heal, I would do it!
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