Friday, October 17, 2014

Thoughts about death and a nature walk

Today I drove out to the country to hike and find mesa stones, called kuyas.

One of the first things I noticed during my hike were these dying reeds:

You can barely see them in the photo, but they are brown and dried up. Plants just go with the flow during the dying process. There's no drama, no fighting. Just acceptance and transformation into death. We humans are so resistant. We fight death as much as possible.

"Death" can include any type of transformation. Peace at it's core is complete acceptance of whatever change is occurring. Lessons from a dying plant.

Other things I came across today...a snake! Something I always take as a good sign. :)

Actually there were originally two snakes. I was about to walk through this area to access the nearby stream and then saw a beautifully coiled up snake like the one above. I went to grab my phone to take a pic and it slithered away. Disappointed, I stood there watching her, but then noticed her friend! This one did not move at all and allowed me get close enough for a few pictures.

And then later I came across this beautiful orange spotted moth:

I did get a few stones along the way, and one in particular will definitely make it into my mesa. Overall, it was a great day for hunting kuyas.