And that, yes, it IS feeling much better, thank you.
There are actually a couple spots that are emerging and a little thicker than before. (By the way, talking about this stuff grosses me out and is a little embarrassing, but I go on with the hopes that it will help someone else.) HOWEVER, despite those spots, my psoriasis is definitely much better than is was before going to Peru.
Let's compare, and keep in mind that understanding how diet played a role puts things in a much better context. So...
Before Shamanic Healing:
- Ate NO gluten, sugar, or alcohol at all.
- Ate very little fruit because it was staring to make me flare, a relatively recent (and discouraging) development!
- Drank green smoothies with kale practically every single day--this helped significantly in keeping the flaring down.
Here is a picture of the same elbow Pre-Shamanic healing with a VERY STRICT DIET SUPPLEMENTED WITH GREEN SMOOTHIES:
When this picture was taken, I had been undergoing Oriental medicine for about 2 months at this point, which helped a little, so the psoriasis used to be even WORSE than this! There is a little freckle smack dab in the middle of my elbow. This freckle is what I use as an indicator. For most of the time that I have had psoriasis I could not see the freckle because it was covered over by the psoriasis.
This was taken on May 27th, the day of my first shamanic healing. This is definitely not the worst my psoriasis had been, and I know the pics aren't the best quality, but it is still a good example to use. Now let's look at how I've been able to loosen up my diet AFTER shamanic healings, both from the Andean/Multicultural tradition (wich heals using spirits) and the Shipibo tradition (which heals using plant medicine, in my case only ayahuasca, and healing songs called icaros).
After Shamanic Healing:
- "Cheating" a little here and there by eating some sugar and/or gluten. For example, a cookie one day, some toast the next day, a little chocolate the day after that, maybe have a day or two in between when I eat no sugar or gluten at all. I still won't drink alcohol, and have no desire to.
- Have NOT had any green smoothies whatsoever since leaving for Peru about 3 weeks ago. I do plan to resume drinking green smoothies 3-4 times a week though.
- Can eat fruit freely, except oranges which still seem to cause sores in the back of my mouth.
P.S. I realize that taking a picture of my elbow bent vs straight does influence how bad the psoriasis looks. I will try to just take photos of my elbow a little bent from now on.