Many people have a big misunderstanding about God. If they hear someone say the word God they might shrink away. Perhaps even feel some disgust.
I understand this. I was this way myself for many years even though I considered myself to be very spiritual.
Why do people do this?
It's because there is darkness within them that doesn't resonate with the Light of God. Even saying "Light of God" might sound preachy or religious, but it's just a term I'm using right now to convey something magnificent and incredible.
I could instead say "the best thing that could ever exist in the entire history of the universe" or "an entire universe's worth of celebration blasting off into infinite possibilities." The point is to explain something so awesome and amazing that people would drop everything to pursue this incredibleness.
But instead, they misunderstand. They hear "God" or "Light" and come up with their own interpretation of what this must mean, but can't truly perceive the meaning because there is too much darkness clouding their understanding of things.
So what if instead of saying Light of God I said the light within you that results in inner peace, love and harmony with yourself, others and life. What if I took this even further and said this light is going to be so exciting and life-changing you won't believe the amazing experiences, relationships and fun you will have!
What if I just called it Light. And when this Light is allowed to shine through you there is no more fighting with yourself, with others and with life? Allow yourself to imagine this possibility for a moment.
Now realize this this possibility can be real.
Know at this moment, that this possibility is a reality for the entire world. But it can only happen if we allow it to happen for ourselves individually first. This how peace on earth happens.
Dark doesn't feel good around Light, and Light doesn't feel good around Dark. Just because we feel annoyed or weird about something, it doesn't mean that it is bad. It might mean we just aren't ready to accept how good it is.
Sometimes there are preconceived notions or connotations associated with the word "God" due to childhood experiences, societal conditioning or even past lives. Some might associated God or Christianity or other religious paths as negative. We might think that Christians are self righteous, that Muslims are extremists, that the word God is cheesy, that Jesus was a fake or that devoting one's life to a spiritual path is unhealthy. But this is all due to a huge misunderstanding.
How can you truly know something if you can't truly see?
For many, God as omnipotent unconditional love and light is too hard to believe. It can seem too good to be true, maybe even impossible, that unconditional, eternal love can even exist.
This is because negativity within them is filtering their perception of reality and causing these beliefs. What does this negativity consist of? Among other things it is trauma, negative attitudes, doubt, skepticism, cynicism, anger, fear, certain belief systems about the world, lack of self love, lack of forgiveness for self and others.
The good news is that we can be healed of this negativity and darkness. And then we will have a true understanding and perception of things. A true perception of ourselves as infinite creations.
There is nothing we need to give up, unless we choose to. We don't need to change. We don't need to become religious or spiritual. When we heal, we naturally drop those things no longer serving us.
All we really need to do is have an understanding of ourselves as spirit, to love ourselves and to forgive ourselves. This is the true path to finding the Light of God within.